TTIBI places reinsurance treaties of various Indian insurance companies with rated reinsurers. We provide continuous support in placing various large facultative reinsurances. Toyota Tsusho Reinsurance Broking Services include:
- Relationship with potential Lead-Reinsurers and ability to secure best terms
- Designing a suitable Reinsurance program taking into account the business plan and projections of the company
- Structuring various Proportional/Non-proportional covers; marketing and placement of reinsurance programs with top-rated securities
- Administration of the programme including documentation
- Assessment of counter-party risk (financial strength of Reinsurance Companies)
- Recovery of claims from reinsurers, obtaining their payments promptly
- Providing regular market information and assesments
- Broking team uses its international domain knowledge and expertise to run Risk-Management Programs for its clients
- Facultative Reinsurance |All classes of General Insurance │ Special contingency covers
- Treaty Reinsurance│ Property | Casualty | Engineering | Marine | Liability
- Stand Alone Terrorism
- Project Policies